Meet our Support Group Facilitator: Erin Hatch! (President/Treasurer of Empty Arms of Greater Bangor)

In March of 2015, I delivered my twin boys, Mason and Marshall, at 20 weeks gestation. When I was unable to take them home from the hospital, my life was forever changed. I walked into my empty nursery and wasn’t sure how I could survive this new normal. The following month, I joined an Empty Arms support group and found a group of women (and some men too) who made me realize that I wasn’t alone on this journey. It’s an ever-evolving cycle of offering a place to grieve and heal all while honoring our children.

After suffering a second trimester loss, and 2 first trimester miscarriages, I was lucky enough to welcome my rainbow babies. My husband Scott and I adopted our son Maddox at birth, and we then adopted the embryos that gave us our two daughters Madilyn and Mina. Experiencing pregnancy after loss brought a new perspective to my participation in the group.

Being a part of Empty Arms, volunteering for the annual Remembrance Walk, sharing my story and supporting others in the midst of grief has helped me fill the void left by the loss of my boys. I love that I can share my story to provide others with comfort and hope. Several months after the loss of my boys, I was invited to join the Empty Arms Board of Directors. I am not only surviving, but I am happy again and I love that my boys’ very short lives have such a strong presence in my family.

In addition to being the President and Treasurer of Empty Arms Maine, Erin is a co-facilitator of our Trying for Another Baby after Loss support group which is open to residents of MA, ME, and VT.