Meet our Bilingual Peer Companion: Gloria Augosto!

1) Could you share your connection to Empty Arms and how you first discovered this organization?

I discovered Empty Arms after my first loss five years ago. I remember just not believing how many people go through so deep and inexplicable pain. That's when I decided to be part of Empty Arms. This is a place where we lift each other with light and love. The spirit of our babies are always with us.

2)   What motivates you to stay involved?

I stay involved because I could not imagine someone going through this process alone. This journey is one full of many waves and is always good to have someone that can be there to hold us when we need to.

3)   What do you do for a living?

I'm a doula, student midwife, and an Empty Arms bedside companion in hospital at the time of loss. I am also ready to facilitate their bilingual support group as soon as we get it back in session. And I'm a mama of 9, five present here in this world with me and 4 spirit babies. 

4)   How do you spend your personal time and what do you like to do for fun?

I spend my time reflecting in the garden, with my five kids, doing music, doing postpartum healing ceremonies, and going to births. 

5)   It’s odd to some that we share tears and laughter in this line of work! Any funny stories or anecdotes you’re willing to share?

I want to share a story about a nurse. One time I went to the hospital to be a bedside companion for a family that lost their baby. We made a circle that to do a prayer and I heard the voice of that nurse praying as well for me. That was something I will never forget because she just stepped out of her nursing role to just be human and that's what is all about. 

6)  What are YOUR HOPES for this year? I hope to keep helping more families since I'm finishing Midwifery School this year. I just want to keep evolving and just continue to be a vessel for healing. It is an honor to be where I am today.